Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Learning Curve

The summer I have decided to to some internet marketing and web development independent study. I am reading up on javascript and studying Twitter for the most part.

Direct Tweets
To direct tweet there must be a mutual follow and not a one way follow. The Twitter help section clarified that for me.

Deleting Tweets?
Recently I made a tweet where the URL shorted version seemed to be malfunctioning. I was using Hootsuite. It is possible that the fault lies with Hootsuite. If you use Twitter or LinkedIn you may see a Tweet with or For example is the short URL I made in Hootsuite that seems to go nowhere.

My solution was to Tweet out again the entire URL. This experience has caused me to think about what Twitter application I am using to send out messages and that it is important to test the URL shortener before tweeting out.